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Bukers BTA Pro gives you the ability to anticipate where your client’s business is headed based on their past performance.


Here’s what you can do with the projections module:


5 years worth of projections – Based on your client’s existing tax returns and financial statements, you can generate up to 5 years of projected financial statements and cash flows.


Quick and Intuitive Selections – Run a projection in minutes simply by making a few quick selections:


  • Choose which tax returns or financial statements to base your projection on.
  • Pick one of the four methods for generating your projections.
  • Select the number of projected years you want – up to five.


Customize your projections quickly and easily – Stress test or do a what-if analysis on your borrowers projections:


  • 35 projection variables can be modified based on the criteria you want to test. These include:
    • Sales Growth%
    • Receivables Turn Days
    • Inventory Turn Days
    • Payables Turn Days
    • Interest Bearing Debt (IBD)%
    • And many more
  • Most projected balance sheet and income statement items can be modified and recalculated.


Run multiple scenarios – You can generate an unlimited number of projection scenarios so you can compare them side by side.


Choose your cash flow model – You can use the same cash flow model you currently use in Bukers BTA Pro and view your projections within it. In addition, all ratio and cash driver reports are available.